Jinyuan Mining Machinery

CIL plant process flowsheet

Resumen: Una empresa especializada que integra investigación experimental, diseño de procesos, fabricación de equipos, instalación y puesta en marcha, y capacitación de personal.

Palabra Clave:

Mining Machinery


·Correo electrónico:yantaijinyuan@vip.163.com


Detalle del Producto

Technical process introduction
Cyaniding carbon adsorption gold extraction process(Carbon In Leaching) has become an important method in gold cyanide extraction. The basic principle is that activated carbon can adsorb liquid gold in alkaline cyanide solution. With the desorption of gold-bearing carbon and the regeneration of degold-bearing carbon gradually mature, activated carbon can be recycled. CIL process has become the main method of gold extraction and has been rapidly promoted, giving full play to the advantages of less investment ,lower cost of carbon pulp process and being able to process low-grade gold ore.
Technical process flowsheet
CIL process includes preparation of leaching pulp, cyanidation leaching, adsorption of activated carbon, desorption of gold-bearing carbon, preparation of gold slime by electrolysis, recirculation of degolding carbon, and treatment of leaching pulp.
Process flow diagram

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